By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 23:54 - United States

Today, my 5 year old-son and I went out for a walk. As I was looking in a shop's the window display, I turned around to see my son pooping into an open manhole on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 767
You deserved it 9 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdatribe23 0

hahaha sounds like my sister... she's 14.

giantsfan2010 23

I really hope you punished him for that.


Let me guess, you were more worried about what people on the street were thinking about you than about the possibility of your son falling into an open manhole, right?

WTF kind of mom r u? how do u take your eyes off a 5 yr old long enough 4 him 2 b in the STREET much less doing ANYTHING over a MANHOLE? FHL 4 having u for a mother!

WTF?!?' lol how long were u looking at the window?

wow looks like you didn't potty train your puppy very well there, maybe you should spend less time window shopping and more teaching your kid common sense...

YDI try keeping an eye on your kid. someone could have taken him an sold him to the circus.

It's a rare FML that will make me guffaw loudly. Bravo.

b_anhero 0

YDI. FML your kid having you for a Mom. What the He** was he doing near an open manhole cover? This is sad! You should be ashamed for thinking this was funny! I hope CPS comes to visit you!!! He could have fallen in and been killed, dumba**!

IrishSoulja 4

#85 rofl the way you censor out those soft swears you are obviously some obsessive mother who wont let her children go until the age of 30

kells_bells_1 0

while we were at the zoo looking at the animals I turned around to find my son with his pants down peeing fighting the middle of the walkway.

kimmykimkim 0