By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 23:54 - United States

Today, my 5 year old-son and I went out for a walk. As I was looking in a shop's the window display, I turned around to see my son pooping into an open manhole on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 767
You deserved it 9 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdatribe23 0

hahaha sounds like my sister... she's 14.

giantsfan2010 23

I really hope you punished him for that.


he took an "iraqi shit." and i also have to give your son props for knowing where the poop that people take eventually goes! |the kid|

nobody_u_ko 0

this had me ROFL. your child is my new hero lol

steggunekoms 0

that's talent how'd he manage to hold himself over the hole without losing balance and falling in?? that would have really made this a good fml.

rasellersjr 0

How would that have been good!? They are deep with cement bottom and the water isn't deep enough to save him. He would have been dead...

ok first of all they dont leave manholes open just like that. there must have been security tape around it or something

Haven't you taught your son to use the bathroom????!!!! Animal! YDI!

I wonder what kind of conversations you're gonna have once you have kids... You: DO NEVER, EVER, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES (pause for dramatic effect).... POOP INTO AN OPEN MANHOLE! Kids: But... But Daddy/Mommy, I've always wanted to do that! ... Kids are weirdos. They do crazy stuff. Better get used to it.

ulicksam 0

YDI over and over again. Instead of paying attention to your 5-year-old enough so he doesn't run in the street, you're window shopping and ignoring him long enough to not only get in the street but to dump in a manhole. And you have the nerve to complain here like it's anyone's fault but your own. YDI YDI YDI!

Nice job parenting on that one. A) Why doesn't your FIVE YEAR OLD know how to use the bathroom appropriately? B) Why the hell would you look away from him long enough to get his pants dropped? C) Where did he learn that ******** in the street was okay? You need to drop that kid of at Children Protective Services until you can figure out how to be a parent. Douchebag