By Santa - 25/12/2014 03:01 - United States - Cocoa

Today, my 8-year-old daughter was throwing a tantrum, and I said "Keep this up and I'll tell Santa to take your presents back." She told me I don't even know Santa, at which point I accidentally blurted that I'm "Santa". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 551
You deserved it 13 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

She had to find out sometime. And what better time than when she's being a brat.

tehaustiebear 34

Personally, I don't like relying on the idea that kids should stop throwing tantrums just so they can get their presents. It'll objectify their actions, and make it all about the "What's in it for me? " attitude. Instead, perhaps try to explain why a good behavior is actually important, and why we try not to burden those that care for us. Maybe it won't work for everyone, it worked for me.


I work at the mall by the Santa photos. Sometimes I think about how evil it would be to just blurt out "SANTA ISNT REAL"

Ehh I don't know, I have some quantum physics that could prove that Santa is possible.

JMichael 25

She had to find out sometime. And what better time than when she's being a brat.

Exactly. It was inevitable. At least you didn't scar your child with the idea of Krampus. Apparently, he's Santa's demonic helper. He takes bad girls and boys, puts them in a sack, and beats them. So, all in all, I'd say taking away Santa is no biggie. At the end of they day the bratty kid has parents who love her and have the means to provide her with gifts.

Yeah, in the Czech Republic Saint Nicholas (Mikuláš), an Angel and a Devil (sometimes several) walk around to people's houses and if they hear that the kids have been bad the Angel gives them coal and the Devil actually stuffs the kids in the bag and starts dragging them away until they plead for mercy and promise to be good (or at least better) next year.

childhood dreams smashed. sorry op.. tell her you were just saying that because you were jealous or something.

SingleMom_of_2 5

I don't know why they disliked your comment. It's a good idea to tell her she was just mad which is why she said it.

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Rawrshi 25

Yes, really. You'd be amazed. A lot of children stop believing at 7-8 but pretend they do to get more presents. It's actually super common. Dunno if that's the case of OP's daughter though so it kind of needs a follow-up.

"Santa" aka my mother got my 8 year old sister a tablet for Christmas. A few weeks ago, when I asked my mom what I should get for my sister for Christmas, she told me to get a blue tablet case for her. I did and when I gave it to her this morning she wondered how I "knew" Santy was getting her a tablet in order for me to get her a case... If I knew my mother was getting her the tablet from HER to my sister and not as "Santa's" present to her, then she probably wouldn't be questioning us so much right now...

#45 Just tell her that 'santa' gave you pointers.

I stopped believing when I was 3. My parents knew, but they didn't care. I guess it varies from parent to parent.

when I was 4 my sister told me Santa wasnt real. On Christmas day. lol I cried so much

tantanpanda 26

I stopped believing when I was... oh wait, never believed in the first place!

just add Santa's...assistant. But maybe it's too late now.

Well for throwing a tantrum your daughter kind of deserved it...

tehaustiebear 34

Personally, I don't like relying on the idea that kids should stop throwing tantrums just so they can get their presents. It'll objectify their actions, and make it all about the "What's in it for me? " attitude. Instead, perhaps try to explain why a good behavior is actually important, and why we try not to burden those that care for us. Maybe it won't work for everyone, it worked for me.

Most likely the dog won't understand why you kicked it two days after. But lets say the child threw a fit on the 23rd(a really bad fit) and then 2 days later they didn't get present (the 25th), the child would understand why they didn't get a present.

I believe that it teaches kids that there are consequences to their actions. If you act up, you don't get good stuff. That's life in a nutshell.

#7, I will assume you don't have kids. Write down your comment, store it away and re-read it when you do have kids. Then ask yourself if your puritanical thoughts still hold.

iTzSelverZz 14

Tell her that you work for santa to help find the presents for children around the area That might work.

With such poor manners, such children don't deserve to have gifts bestowed upon them

I think she will want to check whether its you or not when Santa comes visiting.You might to get a replacement, just in case.Haha Good luck OP.