By yamaha_313 - 11/08/2015 04:20 - United States - Wartburg

Today, my 82-year-old great grandfather informed me that his "peeter" still works, and that most guys his age can't say the same. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 699
You deserved it 2 219

Same thing different taste


Wow my grandfather is older than your great grandfather...

Good for him, but why did he feel the need to share?

decoydualist 10

As long as he doesnt try and show you..

tiredofwaiting 25

Add this to the list "things you don't want to hear from your grandfather"

If you're a guy he was probably just trying to give you hope for the future. In a crazy ol grandpa way...

wow, your great grandfather is only 82 years old? i'm guessing every generation in your family had kids early

martin8337 35

And when his pecker stops working, that's where viagra and cialis are needed.

Talk about a "great" grandpa! If yours works as well at 82, you'll be thanking God for the good bloodline every time you blow a load - and probably be bragging to your great grandson!

PePziNL 20

As a Peter, I hate that word when referring to penises. Well at least I'm not called Dick.