By yamaha_313 - 11/08/2015 04:20 - United States - Wartburg

Today, my 82-year-old great grandfather informed me that his "peeter" still works, and that most guys his age can't say the same. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 699
You deserved it 2 219

Same thing different taste


Normally when I am impressed, I would say give that man a hand, but maybe not so much in this case.... It's your call....

At least he didn't offer to prove that it works!

So you can have an uncle who is younger than you still.

if i were in his shoes i think i'd be bragging about that too.

Rock on Bad Grandpa! Man he is so right, too!

The gender of the OP would really change the feeling of this FML...if it's a guy then great-grandpa is bragging, which is awesome...but if the OP is a girl, then that's just creepy. I wouldn't want my great-grandpa to tell me anything his "peter" could still do.

Ianamis 6

Why does that even matter? Would it be alright of OP was a guy and their grand mother and they said their ****** isn't dry. Does that really matter?

I think #35's point is that crossing the gender "boundary" makes it seem creepier because it comes across as being closer to flirting, which many people would find disturbing for many different reasons.

Can someone explain to me why the **** this is an FML? Seriously. I mean go Gramps and all, but unless you walked in on him rogering Grabdma this is pretty lame.

good for him. odd thing to say... but yeah, props to that guy.