By notsohappyniece - 02/11/2009 16:10 - United States

Today, my aunt came into the world. My 67 year-old grandfather married a 24 year-old woman who just gave birth to my new aunt, who is 18 years younger than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 934
You deserved it 3 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some1hones 0

chill... I doubt that he is the father... she is probably ******* the pool guy


So what? You're not the first person to have an aunt or uncle who is younger than you. Also, the relationship between your grandfather and his wife is none of your business.

so what. you're an adult, quit your bitching and get on with life. my brother and my daughter are only 9 years apart, having relatives close in age is fairly common.

Since no one else has mentioned it, HURRAY FOR VIAGRA!!!!!! Btw, is your step-gramma hot? She must be because she made a (soon-to-be) dead man cum.

... What you've described is absolutely sick and shameful. Although at 24 a woman is a legally consenting adult and their marriage is certainly valid, it's just ******* disgusting that a man would have the indecency to **** and marry someone who is young enough to be his granddaughter, and visa versa of course. Let's put things into perspective shall we: This man was 43 years old when his bride was born. He was past midlife when she was still being breast fed and having her ass wiped. That is just so awkward and embarrassing that I can scarcely imagine it. Not to mention what they are setting their child up for. What is the average life span of a man living in America? 78? So if he makes it that far, they can expect their child to loose her father at about 11 years old. That is just not fair to a child. I realize that things can happen to any family, but for Christ's sake, this man will probably be dead of old age before his daughter is even in high school! Is this okay where the OP lives? Does this happen on a regular basis? Because this is just so unreal to me. the magical year of 1942 when the OP's grandfather was born the life expectancy for men in the US was 64.7 years so lets just call it 65 technically he expired 2 years ago or is just above average. O.o But yeah apparently since 2004 the life expectancy for average male in the US is 76 years for a white male and 70 years for a black male.

wow amazing.. how on earth does that happen... aww good luck!

OMFGLOL ur grandpas a freak and must be rich or edward cullen to attract a 24 year old woman. btw, thats a great aunt even worse

lol I have a nephew 10 years older than me :P

AnnoyingFlamingo 0

Who says you can't marry someone young. Technically we are all suposed to reproduce when we hit puberty. Society however thinks otherwise. Plus it is not the guys fault. People are usually attracted to a certain look no matter what age. The guy was thrilled a hot young girl wanted to go out with him. If he was 30, he would be called gay for not going out with her. If anything it is wrong on her part for not being attracted to a person closer to her age.

What's so terrible about that? Get over it.

dc_elite 0

thats disgusting aint he a little to old for that did he have to use viagra yuckkk