By maxthndr - 10/02/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, my boss fired me via text message. I don't have a text messaging plan. I paid $0.25 to get fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 424
You deserved it 36

Top comments

That is so awful... but really hilarious. Definitely something that would have happened to me. I don't have a text messaging plan either, and yet people text me alllllll the time. I usually have to pay $5-10 extra a month for stuff I can't control.

Therese_fml 0

If that's not BS and is real, I'm sorry man, that really sucks.


xxhalfasian 0

um... losing .25 cents is not a big deal... including it just made you look kinda pathetic... getting fired by text, though... sucks. but you're better off not working for someone who has no guts because that most likely means he/she won't do well in a tough situation involving the business. btw, lol @ #10. DO IT.

Haha I almost cried @ #52. So damn funny! #10 gave you the best advice.

HA damn and btw you always pay for recieving SMS you have to the companies make it like that for money

I would ask for .25 cents plus interest for the time you waited and the fact that you could have invested it into something else.

Harsh! Still can't believe you have to pay to receive texts in the US. Stupidest system ever.

Double Pun, I'd steal all the shit out of the office to make up for it!

12- you still have to. i tried that and it didnt work. 10- great idea

ok people r going cray over 25 freaken cents n really u deserved it He/She said fired not layed off so there must have been a reason u got fired

Regardless, it's unprofessional, no reason was given for it (apparently), and even if it was only 25 cents, he was still charged to get fired.