By maxthndr - 10/02/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, my boss fired me via text message. I don't have a text messaging plan. I paid $0.25 to get fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 424
You deserved it 36

Top comments

That is so awful... but really hilarious. Definitely something that would have happened to me. I don't have a text messaging plan either, and yet people text me alllllll the time. I usually have to pay $5-10 extra a month for stuff I can't control.

Therese_fml 0

If that's not BS and is real, I'm sorry man, that really sucks.


CanadAssassiN 0

You should take a quarter, sharpen it to a point, put it on a crossbow, and shoot him through the heart...just a suggestion...

text him back telling him he owes you $1.00 for text fees.

sparrow_fml 0

how can anyone say he deserved that? and btdubbs thats bullshit

Satoaoi 13

I pay for text messages too and it's annoying to get a text message when you have ot pay for it?

He should have fired you to your face, not in a text. If this is true, he's a coward.

SMS uses the same channel that your phone uses to send phone numbers when dialing. It quite literally costs nothing for your network to send you a text message. Mobile phones in America are such a scam!

Hey #48! $0.25 may not mean much to you, but when your at a vending machine and the dollar slot is jammed, don't come crying to me.