By Anonymous - 26/01/2013 01:04 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my boss put me on suspension for violating company policy by having non-work related mail in my inbox. They were spam emails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 055
You deserved it 2 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's only jealous because you have more sexy singles waiting to meet him and free ipads than he does. Sorry OP.

FYL. If there's a higher position, I suggest reporting it to them. Hopefully the spam is still there for evidence.


FYL. If there's a higher position, I suggest reporting it to them. Hopefully the spam is still there for evidence.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, I'm just wondering, but doesn't usually spam not get sent unless the email is entered somewhere? So If OP was entering his work email on non work related websites he sorta deserves it. I could be wrong though.

If he was at home and got on other sites and his email, spam could easily be sent

If their email address is on the company website, a lot of spam-makers use harvesting programs to gather them from there

#7 no spam mail can be sent to you even if you haven't entered your email in an unsecured website. Maybe a friend of OP clicked something somewhere resulting in a 1000 spam messages from OP's friend. Result? OP does nothing, but still gets spammed.

Well you are right in a sense, but not exactly. Spam can find anyone, even if you only put your email on trusted sites. You would have to have a complicated username and not EVER enter your email anywhere for spam not to get to it. Spam bots search random websites for email names to send to.

Email doesn't need to stay in the mailbox to prove you got it. Email tracking logs can show you got unsolicited emails.

Just go to prizerebel, enter your boss's email on all the offers, and watch him get flooded with spam.

11- ahh, I didn't even think of that. Thank you.

I think OP should just enter the bosses email into a website, perhaps a gay **** site, and let karma do its job. I'm sure the spam from that would be horrendous.

If there's higher position, subscribe the boss to spam emails, then report that he is violating company policy.

EmmaxSampson 9

That's what I was trying to say. You need to have a professional address and a whatever address that all the spam gets sent to. :p

SerenaSerenadex3 13

I'm sorry, but how does this make the boss smart?

It doesn't. It just makes satanic look like an idiot.Satanic is trying to get the first comment , by posting a short one.

twinny_sc 13

He obviously hates you and was looking for any reason to fire you.

But firing for email is too outrageous, a suspension makes more sense and if OP get enough they could be fired

Sinamoi 18

"We've got spam, spam, spam, and spam." "I don't like spam!!!"

wagne057 6

Next time forward the span to his inbox.

Imhere4fml 24

At least you did not get fired OP.

He's only jealous because you have more sexy singles waiting to meet him and free ipads than he does. Sorry OP.

Call IT get a better filter, or don't check you email in front of your boss or at his desk.