By wtfwhyfml - 14/06/2013 19:29 - United States

Today, my boss threatened to fire me for showing up at work early. His reasoning is that it looks bad when his workers show up before dawn and work later than he does. He assigned me these hours specifically to accommodate one of our clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 360
You deserved it 3 164

wtfwhyfml tells us more.

OP here. I normally get to work before dawn; so he was just being a dick. I work as a home care provider for a little old lady with severe mental issues, who's husband/primary care provider works early mornings, as he owns his own lawn care business and where I live the heat is oppressive by noon. However, today he had to work late to make up contracted appointments he'd missed last week because of equipment problems; and for once cleared the hour change via the office. Hence, jackhole supervisor acting a fool. As for finding a new job; I plan to finish this one then move on; her husband is retiring in less then a year and she is extremely picky about care givers. I'm one of two that has lasted more then three weeks; and I refuse to put her and her family through finding a new provider like that.

Top comments

Well i think ur a loyal employee. i would hire u any day

You sound like a very good person. Don't let anyone take advantage of you because of how kind you are, your boss or otherwise


missdodd 6

what a Dick, you should find another job. surely there is an employer out there that will appreciate your willingness to arrive early and leave late as they see fit.

1) your boss had one of his higher ups notice and doesn't want to look bad 2) your boss is an idiot and forgot 3) a customer noticed and mentioned it to your boss and he is jealous or 4) your boss is just an idiot

Nolimit2217 32

I can't stand work it for poor leaders, sorry Op.

meaganxo 14

What an asshole. Sorry OP, best wishes to you.

olpally 32

I hope you told him he's the one that assigned these hours to you for that purpose. Good luck! What a douche waffle.

olpally 32

Also, he's really stupid for not remembering he gave those hours to you. Lol. What an idiot.

helpfulwhale 12

It amazes me that some people are allowed in management positions

jman26 11

Especially ppl who didn't do well in high school

His boss probably gave him shit when the payroll got sent out. All those extra hours early and late add up. And in this economy it's probably cheaper to just hire a temp to do it anyway. You know what they say about work. When you're down all you see is piles of shit, when you're looking up all you see is assholes.

liblob 6

sounds like your boss is a tad insecure about losing his own job.

Wow he's an idiot, sorry good luck to you