By BirthdayGirl - 24/07/2009 18:13 - United States
Sirquo tells us more.
Alright, I'm the OP, and I left because I had a migraine and wanted to go lay down. I brought the cake inside and plopped it on the counter, since my parents said they would put it away. I did NOT have a party, and alright, my life sucks because I wanted an ice cream cake. I have no life, I have no friends, make you guys happy?
Top comments
YDI for having a small freezer.
Thumb me up if you want iBimmer's trolling comments over and his account suspended! Seriously, even tough this is like my 10th comment on FML, it's not the first time I've seen him, and he's always clicking YDI for the dumbest reasons! (In this case "a small freezer") OP: Wow, and did you tell them to leave a piece for you? Why didn't you tell them to give you a bite? It's YOUR cake, not theirs!
You wanna see a troll? Go to M13lo, he responds to almost every FML and votes YDI for every single one.
Yeah you shouldnt have a freezer. Instead, you should stick all your frozen foods up #45's ass.
Hold on. Hoooold on. Let's see the chain of events go to get your cake from the place (which I do feel is ridic) but it home and left it on a table for several hours while you left? Then when your family came back....they ate it? Cause something is wrong in your timeline buddy. Why didnt you put the cake in the freezer yourself? Because you left the cake to melt all over the table? Responsible.
Fake. If you picked up the cake, how did your family eat it without you?
thumbs up bann ibimmer
Obviously, she wanted to leave it for later. I for one, have my birthday cake after dinner, so maybe she wanted to do that. :)
Happy Birthday!!! Sorry about your family though...
Happy Birthday!! That sucks though hopefully 2mm will be better
How could they eat it without you if you brought it home?
I wish there was a suggestion box on this site. The 300 character limit really needs to go, along with the requirements to start every FML with the word "Today". I mean, why does have these stupid rules that actually work to the detriment of the site? If it wasn't for the 300 character limit, we wouldn't have to keep guessing about what actually happened. I'm guessing that OP took a shower or something like that.
Nah, I think a limit needs to be enforced.. people just need to tell their story in the limited space.. if they got too long ppl wouldn't read them and that would truly be to fmls detriment if ppl wouldnt read the posts..
Yea there needs to be a limit but 300 chars is probably too short.
How could they eat it without you if you brought it home? Better luck next year
1) I can't believe how many people replyed to my trolling lol 2) fyl make them buy you a new one
Really? It breaks my heart that people are stupid enough to keep delivering trolls like M13LO the reactions that he wants. I despise trolls for cluttering the comments section of every FML with boring, uninteresting comments, but I hate the people that react to them even more for being dumbasses.
I was thinking the same as #6, #7 and #8.

How could they eat it without you if you brought it home?
Thumb me up if you want iBimmer's trolling comments over and his account suspended! Seriously, even tough this is like my 10th comment on FML, it's not the first time I've seen him, and he's always clicking YDI for the dumbest reasons! (In this case "a small freezer") OP: Wow, and did you tell them to leave a piece for you? Why didn't you tell them to give you a bite? It's YOUR cake, not theirs!