By iloveZELOS - 05/07/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, my boss told me he is a superhero. He has written countless comics about his crusades and adventures. I make fifty dollars an hour less than him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 027
You deserved it 4 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do u honestly think u deserve to be on the same money as a superhero...?

Well, maybe one day you will be that high up that you can do something like that and still earn a good amount of money. I'd ask him if he can make me a villain in one of his comic books. But that's just me... :)


Mikaylatte 0

Holy crap, michael scott is your boss?

Haha Yes Man comes to mind with Norm and his Harry Potter party.

MiseryMan 0

Maybe one day you'll become HALF the man that he is!

0 3

I don't get it. Are you saying he should be payed less because he makes comics?

Your making it sound as if superheroes should be paid...

Just because he is a superhero does not mean he deserves to make less money than you. If anything, superheroes deserve to make lots of money.

Maybe if you say you're a super hero you'll get paid more.

Her boss told her he WAS a superhero, that's not creative, that's nutty!

You should tell him your a supervillian. That should be interesting.