
By feeling dusty - 11/03/2018 06:00

Today, my husband and I were about to have sex for the first time in months. We wanted to spice things up by using chocolate sauce during a blowjob, but the chocolate glued his foreskin to his penis and he cried. Safe to say the dry spell continues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 879
You deserved it 1 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to say it, but you and he deserve it...it has to go in areas where it can't get inside either of you (Can cause bad infections otherwise). Before trying new things look how to properly use them. Also have fun experimenting (you need it and it can lead to more fun)

Lobby_Bee 17

Put that penis in your mouth and the chocolate should melt away.


I hate to say it, but you and he deserve it...it has to go in areas where it can't get inside either of you (Can cause bad infections otherwise). Before trying new things look how to properly use them. Also have fun experimenting (you need it and it can lead to more fun)

Lobby_Bee 17

Put that penis in your mouth and the chocolate should melt away.

You 2 might wanna have a talk with each other if you haven't had any sex in months.

Oh for goodness sakes. Just have sex and stop getting fancy about it.

ThatGuy9679 13

For some folks vanilla isn't enough

That might be, but if using chocolate is 'spicing it up' it's safe to assume OP is a pretty vanilla person Anything exceeding vanilla practices requires trust and a certain familiarity with the partner's body. Both of which are not given when dry spells can last for months

A little chocolate sauce is plenty vanilla

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#Kateannobrien poor you, you don't have a relationship so you feel the need to dismiss other people's valid complaints - well guess what some people don't even have arms or legs. Some people are orphans and don't even have families let alone romantic relationships. Why don't you fix whatever makes you unattractive to potential partners if you can't get a date, hmm? Maybe you can start by being sympathetic to strangers who are having trouble rather than being a rude uncaring asshole.

On the plus side, he won't pester you for a ******* anytime soon.

sumocj 14

The time to spice things up is way in the past!

onceuponatime456 16

This FML makes no sense whatsoever! Chocolate melts in your mouth so......

NicF13 2

So it seems to me she wasn't doing her part, I'm not puttin anyone down but personally I've never cried while receiving oral sex