By Btwigster - 19/07/2011 01:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and his bandmates were doing a live interview for a web show. Drunk off his ass, my boyfriend starts telling the internet how his ex-girlfriend is his biggest inspiration. I was standing right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 002
You deserved it 3 975

Btwigster tells us more.

Btwigster 8

He's in a punk band, like, old school punk. Very '70's sounding. They don't even sing about girls that I've noticed! However, he apologized later and explained he was just nervous, and that it would never happen again. I believe that he was just nervous, but that sort of thing sticks with you, you know? You can't help wondering if that's how he really feels.

Top comments

Alcohol is truth potion, so watch his drinking limit

If he's singing songs about bitchy ex girlfriends that would be a good thing. Kinda hard to judge when we don't know what it is she inspired.


astarazhna 1

Dating a musician (amateur or not) isn't easy for most folks. Exes often DO bemuse, even if it's not obvious. Hope you guys made it through!

astarazhna 1

Maybe not, and maybe that's the problem?

Let's hope all of their songs have some thing to do with "That bitch."

Btwigster 8

Lol I said a punk band, going anywhere isn't an option. Punk bands don't go anywhere anymore, its just for fun. And might I add, this all went down in Franklin Lakes, where the real housewives of New Jersey live. Go ahead Jersey haters, have a field day.

Epickitty58 29
kaykay20 0

Well bad relationships can be an inspiration too so may not be a bad thing.

hopefully it's a hardcore band yellin **** u bitch

CTC2011 0

I would get rid of that ass hole

That's not always a bad thing. My first boyfriend was an abusive jerk... and without him, I wouldn't have striven to improve my life to the quality it is today. He ruined a lot of aspects for my life, so it was up to me to take my life in my own hands, get out of there, and fix it. He is still a piece of garbage, but without him I would have sat in my boring life of complacency and never reached for more, or better.

That is a great way to become single... Groupies here he comes lol

ValerieC 0

Guys, how do you post your FMLs? I tried twice but it doesn't show. ?