By Btwigster - 19/07/2011 01:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and his bandmates were doing a live interview for a web show. Drunk off his ass, my boyfriend starts telling the internet how his ex-girlfriend is his biggest inspiration. I was standing right next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 003
You deserved it 3 976

Btwigster tells us more.

Btwigster 8

He's in a punk band, like, old school punk. Very '70's sounding. They don't even sing about girls that I've noticed! However, he apologized later and explained he was just nervous, and that it would never happen again. I believe that he was just nervous, but that sort of thing sticks with you, you know? You can't help wondering if that's how he really feels.

Top comments

Alcohol is truth potion, so watch his drinking limit

If he's singing songs about bitchy ex girlfriends that would be a good thing. Kinda hard to judge when we don't know what it is she inspired.


Well.. I can't lie, it could've been a lot worse. Like "I'm still in love with my ex" Just be happy you're the girlfriend, not the ex. (: But it still has to be a sucky feeling :( so FYL

Randalyn33 1

Sounds like Brian Dales tonight at the release party tonight! Is this just a coincidence?! Bahaha.

So, I mean a lot of musicians have inspirations from ex's. Look at The Beatles they have inspiration from drugs and women wether it be Yoko, or one of their old ex's from back in the 60's.

Randalyn33 1

Sounds like Brian Dales tonight at the release party tonight! Is this just a coincidence?! Bahaha.

Randalyn33 1

It would be especially Ironic if the OP was Chelsea staub.... this would all make since then!

What if all his songs are about how his ex ruined his life or something? Then it's a good thing, at least not as bad lol

sparxva 12

Is his crowd pleaser titled "send the bitch to Hell?" or "Two-Timing Tina?" If so, then you need to change your tampon and make him a sandwich. Of course, if it is "The Greatest Love of My Life" then he's got some apologizing to do.

So I'm guessing they're not hardcore and don't sing about how horrible the world is then, huh? Cuz if that was the case, I would've said that this should be a good thing, but I guess they're all mushy and corny, and you probably thought every single song was about you. In which case, sorry OP, that sucks.

That sucks... Has he apologized later?

ArsenalFan12 0
