By Anonymous - 24/09/2015 17:07 - United States - Richmond

Today, my boyfriend and I lost our virginity to one another. He then did a naked victory lap around his dad's house, blasting Akon's "I Just Had Sex" at full volume. He's legally an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 575
You deserved it 6 094

Same thing different taste


HOLY FUUCK! I may get a lot of hate for this but this guy is EPIC!! and that's exactly the way I wanna go down?

FYL because your boyfriend has a sense of humor? I don't get it.

That song is technically by the Lonely Island feat. Akon. Just sayin'

Yo_Brosefff 9

"I just had sex" is just featured by Akon the actual artists of the song is The Lonely Island

Five years into our relationship and two kids later, my husband and i still dance to that song after sex lol! It's funny OP! Crack a smile! YDI cause he sounds like a chilled and normal guy with a sense of humour.