By inchetogb - 15/01/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I spent 30 minutes listening to my grandmother telling us that my cat is a medium. My boyfriend is totally convinced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 616
You deserved it 3 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

therealsuperman 0

why can't you believe the cat has super powers? I'm suprised a pessimist like you could find a significant other

They're not so much crazy as superstitious. Plenty of people believe that cats are magic and have a great connection to the spirit world. There are tons of counts of cats being able to tell when someone is going to die, or have supernatural spiritual draws to bizarre instances. It's a big thing in Egyptian mythology too. :p


EvilDave 13

He is your boyfriend. You knew or should have known he was like that. He showed you he is like that and he is still your boyfriend. YDI.

LOL thats awesome thats something my grandma would do :D LOL my grandma when ever i leave goes ok watch out dont talk to stranger, dont trust anyone, or make sure no ones following u, she watches way to many hooro movies and muder shows thats all she watches

remind me again why ur life sux cuz of this?

CaptainAwesome2 0

This belongs on MLIA! How does this affect the crappiness of your life? That's right. It DOESN'T.

JustJaredfied 0

Well figures you'd be from Kentecky

Today, after 10 minutes of staring I finally got that an FML was referring to a cat being a spiritual medium. Not a ******. FML.

Mental1942 6

Do I hear a break-up coming along