By treegirl - 26/07/2009 05:57 - United States
Top comments
Your boyfriend is awesome.
Agree =]
I would have been turned on If my boyfriend grabbed me like that, but the hair thing,eww, I hope you washed your hair after that!
Whoops nevermind! The OP said PRETENDING so he acually wasn't MUNCHING On it so it wasn't that bad! Jeez stop whining (:
I think it's really cute...haha
Haha that's so cute! Ima do that one day now
Hahaha, agreed. He's awesome. OP, if you don't want him, pass him here.
Sounds like your boyfriend needs to get a girl who actually appreciates his spontaneity and cuteness.
agreed, that was ADORABLE. ♥♥♥
I agree completely! I would have thought that that was adorable! He obviously was just messing around. This is def not an FML or YDI
agreed too! He's funny and awesome, I wish I had a girlfriend with whom I cud do that to without being afraid she breaks up lol
Okay..i'm lost...WHY IS THIS ON HERE?!?! I always will do stuff to my girlfriend like this..she loves it.. What happened to when girls enjoyed guys being silly and loving and attempting to be cute??
Hahaha you know I just moderated your boyfriends fml.... today i read an fml my girlfriend posted about me acting like a koala and latching onto her.. i thought it was cute. fml. wow you will get a talking to later... now i can say fyl cuz u might lose something good it was cute not an fml. btw i voted yes.
oh no! out of all the ASSHOLE guy out there, your boyfriend is sweet and likes you and isn't afraid of being goofy and himself around you.
I love when my fiancée does stuff like that!
What kinda stuff does she do?
I agree completely. Most girls would kill for a guy like that, and she should appreciate what she has.
Girls DO like this kind of thing. The OP is just a bitch.
Agreed. It's really cute if you think about it. :3
This. That's actually kind of super adorable.
183: Seriously. **** the boyfriend's life for having such a humourless girlfriend!
I completely agree. It was original besides so it was rather adorable.
New ending for MLIG: "I'm sure then I heard God and Jesus laugh. MLIG"
haha sounds like something my boyfriend would do i love that stuff :]
jajajajajajajaja i laughed so hard!
I think that would be awesome! So Adorable.
I approve of this man.
so,so true.
concur. you suck.
Something my boyfriend would do... and I love it!
Hey, I like guys be goofy and shit.
i love koala
THAT is clever
That's awesome
exactly! i do this to my girlfriend all the time and she loves it.
this is adorible :D
******* adorable as shit.
At least it wasn't dog/hydrant.
ya he would of pissed on your hair instead of try to eat it lol
It'd be more hilarious/FML worthy if he said "I'mma shark and you're a baby seal! Omnomnom!"
that would still be completely adorable :3
LOL oh the imagery.
I lol'ed irl.
That's so cute, not an FML. But YDI for having hair that resembles leaves and skin that feels like bark.
You made me lol in real life.
i think its cute. just as cute as when the guy peed on his girlfriend to "mark his territory".
that one took it a little far.
why is that an fml...
Because the OP doesn't know how to have fun. Apparently. I think what he did just oozes cuteness, however. >3!
I agree.
Awww that's pretty cute
hahahaha. this is my favorite fml now.
thats really a sweet gesture, it just means he'd be unable to survive without you! definitely not a fml, more like ilml -i love my life for those who can't read txt speak-
I agree. If this had happened to me I would have put it on ilmyl...

Your boyfriend is awesome.