By storyofmylife - 10/06/2015 02:44 - Canada - Truro

Today, my boyfriend and I were hanging out when he suddenly said, "Do you know who I think is the most beautiful girl in the world?" I prepared myself for a cute compliment, until he showed me a picture of another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 895
You deserved it 2 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, do you know who we think the biggest douche in the world is currently? That guy.


Maybe he isn't taking the relationship seriously? That's probably the case

Are you sure he's your boyfriend ? You could just be thinking your his girlfriend when in reality your just the buddy

Unless he showed you a if of a movie star I would be upset

The f*ck???? Why would a human being do that to another? Wow.... murder his social status. Women have that capability.

Oh wow. I hope this is just a failed joke instead of a horrible break up. And in case it is indeed a separation then you're better off without that douche, op.

Time to go boyfriend shopping!! As in shopping for a new boyfriend. What a jerk.

Jader1225 0

You should read he's just not that in to you.

He should’ve said that it was you. That was very cruel that he said that....