By Tee - 11/12/2009 09:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying in his bed. I was watching the Terminator on T.V. A commercial came on in the middle of the movie. We just started having sex when the movie came back on he said "I'll be back." in the Arnold Schwartzenegger accent and rolled over to watch the movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 835
You deserved it 4 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha your bf is awesome!! can't you laugh at that?? get some humor pills

xxmadicxx 0


mikerob09 0

Hahaha I want to shake that man's hand. Good stuff lol

2 is right your boyfriend is awesome !

lilgazelleX 0

haha, AWESOME! stop whining bitch, your bf's great!

lmao good shit gotta admire a good sense of humor this guys a keeper

Serendipiti 0
jessica4456 0

lmao awe ur boyfriend sounds cute.sounds like he'd keep u rolling all

Man when he tried to roll away you should have just slammed him back down into the bed and said CUM WITH ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!

ahahahahahahahahahah! lmao i'll never b able to watch terminator ever again without thinking bout that comment...

Your Boyfriend is a stud..... that is no FML that is a my life rocks