By lolk - 10/03/2013 07:41 - United States - Little Rock

Today, my boyfriend and I were on my bed when things started getting hot and it began to shake. My little sister called the entire family to the hall to listen to "the frogs in the wall". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 712
You deserved it 41 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great idea having sex in your bedroom while the entire family is home and your little sister is in the adjoining room. I salute your brilliance, madam.


If your little sis thought there were frogs in the wall...makes me wonder...where did she ever get the idea that frogs sound like 2 people having didn't tell her that's what the sound was last time it happened...did you?

martin_martian7 11

Who the hell has sex while there family is at home!??

this sounds like something my niece would say! in all seriousness, as many people have said, why would you slope off to your bedroom at all if the family's in? in my humble opinion, that's rude in itself, let alone sloping off to bump uglies

It's like there's at least one FML published a day where somebody's parents or sibling or both catch them having sex because they were stupid enough to do it while they were home. No sympathy whatsoever.

iShanny 13

I've never understood how people are okay with having sex while their sibling/parent is home, let alone their entire family! I mean, dang, show some respect and control your urges!

Yeah no crap. Really this one probably comes from someone too young to be having sex anyway. But yeah if you're going to be having sex at your parents house at least do it when they're not home, and especially don't do it when there's a child in the house. What would have happened if she had actually ran in the room to see what was going on?

oh, this one gave me a genuine laugh. thank you. and ydi BTW.

mohawkbear 5

What is it with all these people having sex in their parent's homes, loudly, in the middle of the day? OP you deserve it, have some class, get a hotel for that stuff.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Lovecraftian Lustful Lovers