By Fluory - 07/12/2009 14:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why I chose to date him. After going on for five minutes about how unique and funny he is, I ask him the same question. His reply? "You were the first person to ask me out." He then rolled over and fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 168
You deserved it 3 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't blame him for being honest. I't doesn't need to be bad.

boatkicker 4

So what? He obviously chose to stay with you, so I dont see why it should be that much of a big problem.


wow, some boyfriend... u should be the first to dump him to

FYL, you got an honest guy. Easy fix, dishonest guys are available by the dozen at any nearby bar.

Guys don't get asked out much. If ever. This in not an FYL

letitbe56 0

To be fair, it doesn't matter why he started dating you. What matters is why he keeps dating you. Why did I start dating my boyfriend? Because he's hot. Why have I been with him for two years? Because he's funny and kind and smart and dedicated and good in bed etc. etc. And because he's hot. Unless you were friends a while before you started going out, this isn't really an FML.

this is why most women are smart enough not to ask men out.

Nighta9 0
SarahMarie83 0

Hey. You asked. He answered. If you want something more, then make something of it. There's no reason to think this is an FYL.

cali_cougar 0

Insynsifera - i totally agree. My husband did the same when we were still dating and of course knowing how funny he was I expected the same sort of reply. If you want serious, ask him seriously some other time. Duh.