By Fluory - 07/12/2009 14:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend asked me why I chose to date him. After going on for five minutes about how unique and funny he is, I ask him the same question. His reply? "You were the first person to ask me out." He then rolled over and fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 168
You deserved it 3 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't blame him for being honest. I't doesn't need to be bad.

boatkicker 4

So what? He obviously chose to stay with you, so I dont see why it should be that much of a big problem.


I don't find this FML from any angle...

Wow, you asked him out? To a guy that can be a really big thing... Guys usually have to do ALL of the footwork. To be met even part way is something really special.

Take it. Guys don't like being forced into saying sweet nothings when we are not in the mood to do so. Just because you want to hear lovey dovey crap don't make that our problem. Although perhaps if women started rewarding such romantic sentiments with ******** instead of just wanting to cuddle and be held after then men would be more forthcoming with such stuff. ;)

147somershire 0

hahaha i totally agree and i'm a girl. i mean guys shouldn't need a "reward" for their feelings. but like with my boyfriend i don't expect him to talk all lovey dovey; yet when he does i know he means it. and as for blow jobs instead of cuddling i totally agree. they're both great and i definitely enjoy doing both haha. i feel that girls need to learn to give back more.

godyourethick 0

Honesty or fancy-sounding bullshit? Sounds like he'd get stick for it either way.

lol what a loser, so no other girls asked him out so he started dating the first one who finally did! I'm assuming you are a young girl, break up with him and find someone better, come on!

czarofandronia 0

maybe he was just tryin to be unique and funny xD

TheWayILovedYou 0

Awwww, you poor thing! What a jerk! I'm sure that's the reason you were the first to ask him out, or maybe he's just plain ugly? No offense.

mks100 0

Same thing has happened to me. Hes a douche.

Now you know why nobody else asked him out