By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 23:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that he needed some time alone for a few weeks. This break just so happens to include our one year anniversary, Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday. Now I get to spend the next three weeks alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 137
You deserved it 4 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i feel as though... this is a major hint.

..and with no presents! Which, in my opinion, is the worst of all :(


He's on his way out, he's trying to get the balls to dump you for real.

he sounds like a loser I'll kept you company.

theten_fml 9

and he gets to spend no money on you.

sallen0046 4

And you're actually accepting this? You're going to sit around for three weeks through all the special days of a relationship while he's off doing god knows what and just jump back into the relationship when he declares it's time? You need to break it off with this fool. If you're not smart enough to do it, you deserve to be unhappy with the situation.

well played boyfriend, well played indeed

Well arn't you suppose to spend the holiday season with family and friends instead anyway?

Agree with #1. Maybe it's time to move on. :/

jennniferlea 4