By thejanamonster - 30/12/2013 19:48 - United States - Geneva

Today, my boyfriend found an old nude of me on his best friend's PS3. I had no idea this guy existed until we moved in with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 069
You deserved it 10 092

thejanamonster tells us more.

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. The nude was taken and sent to an ex that I thought I could trust before I had even met my boyfriend. The "friend" got it from a friend of his that supplies nudes of girls from the city I moved from. The reason I had no idea who the guy was is because he moved to a different state before I met my boyfriend, but they've been friends for a really long time. My boyfriend took it relatively well and things are perfectly fine between us. Hope this clears up some questions I've seen.

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This happens to me all the time. My stalker takes nudes of me as I undress in front of the open window, do yoga in the nude, watch TV nude, comment on FML in the nude...


I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now. The nude was taken and sent to an ex that I thought I could trust before I had even met my boyfriend. The "friend" got it from a friend of his that supplies nudes of girls from the city I moved from. The reason I had no idea who the guy was is because he moved to a different state before I met my boyfriend, but they've been friends for a really long time. My boyfriend took it relatively well and things are perfectly fine between us. Hope this clears up some questions I've seen.

I'm glad that he trusts you enough to believe you! Hopefully you can get rid of the nude + the copies of it probably floating around

ThatFancyPenn 18

I find it very creepy that there's a guy that "supplies" your boyfriend's friend with nudes of girls.

I find it creepy too. I don't know why a guy would have to have a nude supplier in today's world...

Especially considering you were underage in the photo... Perhaps he should remove it.

You know how people always say "sue" on FML? Well, I'm not saying you should sue. I'm saying you should get as much info on him as you can, and call the police. Distributing naked pictures of you? Definitely something they'd deal with.

thats creepy and I am sorry that happened to you. You cannot take compromising photos in this day and age, period! There is no such thing as privacy when its digital, Unless its done professionally and the photographer can be sued, there are countless ways to get it or share it. Really you should have known this, you are a woman, therefore you have to make better choices and look out for yourself, no one else will. When it comes to photos, a good rule of thumb, don't take a photo you wouldnt proudly show your father or grandparents.

Why would he have a nude of you? You are overweight and pornhub has way hotter girls.

#100, any chance you ever had of gaining any respect on this website has just flown out the window, crashed into a building, and fallen in a lake. And rightfully so because you are an asshole and a pervert.

I'm glad that he took it well. That must have been extremely awkward.

wow, that's a little creepy..... sorry OP, that sucks,

Sent to an ex... then somehow random dude finds it from some exchange. . I think most logical explanation to me is; the new friend moved in hooked the ps3 to the network at home and it loaded any shared pics, music, videos from other devices in the home.

cylus13 9

Um did you or your boyfriend have media sharing on any computer of yours that linked to the places network. That's all it takes for any photo to be accessed by the ps3.

that's considered pornography and rape in canada!!!!! call the cops on that ex boyfriend!!!!

This isn't considered anything close to rape in Canada.