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By lemonjuice - 18/03/2009 06:22 - United States

Today, I was at a Chinese restaurant, I'd forgotten my glasses and had a migraine. I was straining my eyes, squinting and rubbing my temples to alleviate my migraine. I was kicked out of the restaurant and banned henceforth because my waitress thought I was mocking her eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 495
You deserved it 10 681

lemonjuice tells us more.

lemonjuice 0

There are very few Chinese restaurant areas, this was definitely the best for your dollar. Yeah I did try to explain myself but the manager as well as her mother and son came out to yell at me. I just couldn't deal with that while I had a migraine, I shouldn't have been there anyways, MSG often gives me migraines, so FML again.

Top comments

That blows. Why didn't you leave? WHen I get a migraine, nothing helps except lying down in a quiet, dark room.

since you were being kicked out anyway, you should have asked for "sucky sucky" and told her youd "love her long time"


Hahahahaha! That is not cool at all tho!

JocelynKaulitz 28

It's not like OP did it on purpose though.

That blows. Why didn't you leave? WHen I get a migraine, nothing helps except lying down in a quiet, dark room.

since you were being kicked out anyway, you should have asked for "sucky sucky" and told her youd "love her long time"

lol #4 my friend (asian) does the love you long time cuz he likes joking around

Search up love me long time by dizaster it's basically a diss track against asians

mylifesucks_alot 0

That sucks. Migraines are an AWFUL thing to contend with and knowing what those do to my friend who has a very serious migraine problem, I can assure you that I understand the last thing a person in that kind of pain wants to do is mock somebody else. Shame on this waitress for jumping to conclusions. You think it would have been obvious to her (or somebody else in the restaurant) that you were in horrible pain.

hahahahah #4. just get delivery from now on. when they show up at your door throw a bag of dog shit at them or something.

HAHAHHA, i'm asian, but i can neva get sick and tired of asian jokes ... is that wrong?? LOL ok, an asian guy with a boner runs str8 into a wall...what does he hurt???? HIS NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOO. ok, mayb its not THAT funny, but

proxay 0

LMAO at OP I m just trying to picture this whole thing in my head. Sucks, but funny as hell

LittleMissMack 0

Did you at least get your fortune cookie? And when being kicked out, do you still have to pay? Free Chinese food? Yes.