By Anonymous - 02/11/2013 20:23 - Ireland

Today, my boyfriend left me for another girl. My dad's reaction to the news and my tears was to say, "Aww. Gonna write a song about it, Taylor Swift?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 996
You deserved it 8 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, when your 15 and somebody tells they love you, your gonna beleive them. So be positive, and when he comes crawling back just say we are never, ever, EVER! getting back together.


lmfaoo! but yeah it was insensitive of him :

Nice. Something tells me your dad has reason behind saying something like that though. I bet you are one of them types that cry over every guy youve been with, even if you were only with them a week. Just saying.

And make millions of dollars off of it? Hell yeah!

And make millions, what's wrong with that?

well there is this guy that is waiting for his soulmate and when he finds her magic happens the two have the power to change the universe he is lost without her but god has a way of making miracles happen he writes the rest of the book he wants her to accept his flaws and character defects unconditionaly it all starts in the music studio when he hits homeruns like babe ruth