By Anonymous - 02/11/2013 20:23 - Ireland

Today, my boyfriend left me for another girl. My dad's reaction to the news and my tears was to say, "Aww. Gonna write a song about it, Taylor Swift?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 996
You deserved it 8 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, when your 15 and somebody tells they love you, your gonna beleive them. So be positive, and when he comes crawling back just say we are never, ever, EVER! getting back together.


Lmao I'm gonna be that dad someday xD sorry about the guy though!

Pullion 5

Are you his first victim? if , yes then He might be a public property, i guess.

doglover100 28

You're one step closer to finding your Prince charming.

Tessa_11 19

Wow, you deserve someone better anyways op. Im sorry.

hes funny!!! except no one likes Taylor Swift

If you can sing maybe you should, I mean Taylor swift and Adell did and look at what happened to them

that actually sounds hilarious but yeah, OP that sucks. I expected your dad to grab a bat and go to his house or something anyway!

And did your dad make fun of you, to top it off?