By oops - 08/08/2011 18:11 - South Africa

Today, my boyfriend opened the car door in a very kind and loving way. What wasn't so kind and loving was that my hand was still half-way when he closed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 570
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was just an accident no need to do a crazy disgusting revenge...


Guesss thats his way off saying "you dont use your hand so well"

Matias_Says_FML 4

There goes your handjob abilities for a while!

cheer4ever96 8

Ouch! Tell him to kiss it now.

My boyfriend and I are still together and he isn't an ass. It was an accident and I understand completely.

whisperingeye13 0

103 what the **** is wrong with you?

blondie42094 0

atleast the thought was still there.

I smash my fingers all the time and you don't see me bitching about... (not directed towards the comments)

sky_surfer79 6

Poor guy and he was just trying to be sweet to you. I hope you didn't break anything.

Bad enough when you do that to yourself, but to have someone else shut the car door on your hand -- OUCH.

sirhobothesecond 3

oh shut up. I'm thirteen and I've experienced that three times in my life without a single tear.

Do you want a freaking medal? Everyone has experienced this situation once in their life! Do you hear other people complaining about it? It's not a my-life-sucks-more-than-yours contest! This website is about having a good laugh about little shitty situations happening every day! If you don't understand that why are you on FML?

lmao_wow10 3

uhmm nowhere in the FML does it say that she cried.. besides getting your hand slammed in something like that will still hurt like a bitch, whether you cry or not.