By anon - 09/11/2016 20:54 - United States - Laurel

Today, my boyfriend sent me an article about how smelling farts can reduce dementia then added, "You're welcome." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 937
You deserved it 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's unknowingly gave u the permission to start passing gas on him any time u want.

All the times my brother used to sit on me and fart are gonna pay off, yay!


He's unknowingly gave u the permission to start passing gas on him any time u want.

I don't care what anyone says, but farts are funny. My husband might make some disgusting ones, but we always end up laughing.

Rarely do we see submissions where a man is actually promoting a healthier lifestyle for their girl <3 so refreshing

I am willing to help you stay healthy. Just pull my finger.

All the times my brother used to sit on me and fart are gonna pay off, yay!

Now Dutch ovens aren't just fun == they're an act of love.

Well start having Indian for dinner. Also mexican, alfa alfa, beans, broccoli and other healthy foods.. Your boyfriend needs your help.. Would you rather have him sufffer from dementia? Load up and let it rip.. Also if you could make videos of you farting on your unsuspecting boyfriend and post them on youtube, it'll be highly appreciated by all of us.

My boyfriend literally did the same thing lol