By iJuli - 08/04/2012 05:17 - United States - Billings

Today, my boyfriend thought it'd be a good idea to break up with me in his car. I had to walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 400
You deserved it 2 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's when you just accidentally break something on the car.....

LaColombianita 26

A real man would have at least given you a ride back home. That was pretty rude of him. I guess he just didn't want it to be awkward though.


I'm a guy and I hate douchebags who treat their girlfriends like crap. He could've at least taken you home before breaking up with you. You deserve better OP.

I guess he didn't CAR about about you. (I couldn't resist).

linkinpark98 23

Texi? Well if you say so… *grabs phone book and looks for "Texi"*

xXxIracebethxXx 14

43 - She won't be in the phonebook. She is on the corner in front of the coffee shop and pizza place. Tell Texi I said hello!

Obviously texi is a sexy taxi. That should make OP feel better.

KM96 24

Thats a shame OP, i hope that it wasnt a long walk

What a prick. You're better off without him

****** asshole, he'll get his dont worry. But I really do feel for you op. hopefully you were able to secure a ride or hopefully the walk back wasn't long, but that ***** still unnecessary.

Hmmmmmmmmm now where have I seen this before?

Hitchhike. If you're lucky you might meet a nice person to replace him on the way home.

sourgirl101 28

"But he has Bud Light!" ***best Superbowl commercial!

perdix 29

#35 & #47, You two are hilarious!

missyj0 12

Or a rapist. *edit: wrote this before I even noticed the comments. I fail :(

erkasaurusrexx 0

oh my, 35 and 47, SOMEONE remembers that commercial! :D day made.