By iJuli - 08/04/2012 05:17 - United States - Billings

Today, my boyfriend thought it'd be a good idea to break up with me in his car. I had to walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 422
You deserved it 2 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's when you just accidentally break something on the car.....

LaColombianita 26

A real man would have at least given you a ride back home. That was pretty rude of him. I guess he just didn't want it to be awkward though.


DCthe2ND 0

You mean your ex boyfriend lol

What a douche. Least he would have done was drop you off home. Sorry OP.

She probably got pissed and got out herself..

That was a low life thing! I don't condone retaliation like keying cars but I hope get some closure.

I find it funny that so many people say "Vandalize his car!" that would somehow be any better

It's okay mine broke up with me in myrtle beach now I have to drive 3 hours back in the same car

jose18 3

Ydi for dating a douche bag

We don't know anything else about OP's relationship besides the break up, calm down. Don't assume...

If you cheated his feelings I don't see any pitiness in you. If it's the other way round, this douche bag must get his balls kicked real hard.

So wait, Do women deserve a kick to the genitals for being unfaithful, I would pay to see that lol

Only if guys cut off their that little thing. Thats an exceptional case for guys to kick our genitals.

Could you please repeat yourself? Didn't get what you were trying to say

I think the real question is how far did she have to walk? A few miles? Asshole. A few feet? meh. Sorry about the getting dumped part though. XD

robyn101 0

Looks like it's time to do some damage to that car of his.