By Vgameboi - 15/02/2010 03:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was showing off pictures of me to co-workers. It wasn't until later that he said, "Don't worry, they were old pictures, from when you were hot." They were from four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 420
You deserved it 4 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zephyric 0

Your boyfriend probably wasn't thinking before he said that... Make sure to give him his brain juice every morning.

lonewolfxxx 0

Everyone eventually becomes all old and ugly no matter how good looking they were before. Don't sweat it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even so, a person's personality is all that matters. Unless ,of course, they were some sort of cannibal or psychopath. Or Edward Cullen.


swantonboy96 0
czarofandronia 0

y does ur life suck? he's still with u even tho he thinks ur ugly, which means he only cares about ur personality which is a good thing. and on top of that he's honest about it.

you kinda deserve it for letting yourself go.

Umm, I'm no experts on gays, but this just seems less likely to actually happen to a gay couple and more like this FML is just a fake created by an idiot who didn't real look over his post. What a fail.

kaitycat101 1

well, he hasn't dumped you yet right? at least he still loves you.