By vetapplez - 04/04/2009 08:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend turned 21 and got drunk at a bar. Being sober, I went through the whole ordeal: calling a cab, carrying him up three flights of stairs, helping him by the toilet, and taking him to bed. Just when I'm about to sleep, he gets up, pushes his shorts down, and pees on me. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 107 557
You deserved it 8 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you know what they say about love. It's like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth. The situation is only slightly altered.


musu_fml 0

#33 It's because your backwards country makes them wait until the age of 21 before you let them drink, so of COURSE they're going to overdo it when you finally let them drink after years and years of denying them whilst they're fully-grown adults. I mean, christ, you let your kids drive cars at, what, age 16? 17? But you make them wait another half decade before you trust them with alcohol.

You are probably the best girlfriend in the world.

Dumbass americans ... I have been drinking since I have been 16 and have been drinking responsibly for a long time now.

#93 You would make a terrible partner.

awe thats cute... he's just marking his territory! LOL

always_forever_fml 0

that's a drunk for you. low lifes

ohwowthatsucks25 0

why is it such a tradition to get totally hammered when you turn 21? it doesn't sound worth it.. AT ALL

why did you stand there and let yourself get peed on? ... i would have moved!