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By despacito - 28/08/2018 23:30

Today, my brother stole my hard drive and wiped it. My hard drive had a 10-page school project on it. The project is due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 387
You deserved it 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why flash drives exist. Always back up your back up.

tounces7 27

Okay I have to ask, did he steal it and wipe it JUST to be an asshole, or was he using it for something else? Whole different level of malevolence here, and I want to determine if he should just get his ass kicked, or if a firing squad is more appropriate.


This is why flash drives exist. Always back up your back up.

ChromoTec 24

And don't store the backup anywhere near the back up of the back up.

tounces7 27

Okay I have to ask, did he steal it and wipe it JUST to be an asshole, or was he using it for something else? Whole different level of malevolence here, and I want to determine if he should just get his ass kicked, or if a firing squad is more appropriate.

if a sibling steals your hard drive and wipes it its always the firing squad

Hellblazer_Sith 25

This is why backups are important.

ViviMage 39

Flash drive, email it to yourself. google drive. Look at a printed copy. Lots of ways to recover it. I hate to rewrite an entire 25 page essay when my original got corrupted but I had a printed copy with my edits on it. Or your brother will be spending the time and allowance trying to recover the drive with a drive recovery program.

You should probably start typing that.

PrecisionConage 3

How thoroughly did he wipe it? You might be able to recover the file. Check out e.g. The Sleuth Kit:

SaltyLurker 10

10 pages is nothing though, I'm sure you can quickly type it again??

It really surprises me that people nowadays stil run into this problem. Always make 3 backups, one on your pc that you type it on, on your phone and one online. In this case you will always have acces to your files no matter what happens.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

you're supposed to save that on two differend harddrives and a cloud...