By minauto - 27/02/2014 23:58 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my car was found with a smashed window and a torn-apart steering column, in order to hot-wire it. The thief didn't get away with my car, though. The engine was in the garage, where I've been working on it for two days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 886
You deserved it 3 154

minauto tells us more.

This actually happened to my boyfriend but he posted it from my account since he doesn't own a smartphone himself. he pulled his engine from his car to work on it (he's an auto tech student) and had been without a car for a few days. luckily he was planning on getting a new ignition, he wasn't however planning on replacing a perfectly good window... but thanks for all the comments guys, i'll be sure to let him know about all the support!

Top comments

I'm guessing the thief didn't see the "check engine" light.

This literally just happened to my car two days ago! He not only failed to hot wire it, but he left his phone and screwdriver in my car. -.-


Wow, this joke is almost as old as the internet. I've heard this one dozens of times for years.

look on the bright side, you car didnt get stolen