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By well SHIT - 27/02/2014 21:46 - United States - Little Elm

Today, while having a sneak through my brother's browser, I found a bookmark for a Google Docs file. It was a short story involving him horrifically killing our entire family. It ended with the words: "And that is what happens when people don't respect the author's privacy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 872
You deserved it 61 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, I'd say watch your back if your brother wasn't hilarious. Good on him.


Hah, I'd say watch your back if your brother wasn't hilarious. Good on him.

This was a trap perfectly placed and set off. I love OP's brother.

Yeah, being an artist people tend to look in my sketchbook when I'm not looking and without permission, so I always draw something mentally scarring like two unicorns and a pug humping or something of that sort to scare away unwanted eyes. Good for your brother for doing something similar.. Nosy people are extremely obnoxious.

Because He Wanted To find Porno On.His Laptop

Nope, she was trying to blackmail him and had her head spun instead.

revan546 24

Look behind you... Too late you're dead

red225 14
AnOriginalName 19

Thanks. I just got killed while taking a shit because I wasn't quick enough to look behind me.

You should know by now to be on guard while in the bathroom! Did zombie land teach you nothing??

Well why were you snooping through his computer?

And that, dear readers, is why you never piss off a potential author. You just might end up being the victim of a cruel and unusual death.

ThomasBombadil 31

He so set you up and you took the bait. Hook, line and sinker.

StompinOnCrayons 15

You better start getting rid of the fingerprints on the keyboard and mouse, just back away and pretend it never happened.