By disgusted - 19/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Herndon

Today, my dad's recycling went out of control. He now keeps a calendar of my periods, just to remind me to recycle the cardboard from my tampons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 667
You deserved it 2 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

The recycling company will gladly tell you to just throw that away no questions asked.

MrBond007_fml 6

This is a good thing. Your father has taken it upon himself to save the world... One tampon box at a time...


wildhorseman 32

That's just bloody ridiculous.

And that would be the only reason to switch to the ones that don't have an applicator

For a moment I thought you were going to say he was forcing you to recycle your tampons. That would have been disgusting.