By disgusted - 19/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Herndon

Today, my dad's recycling went out of control. He now keeps a calendar of my periods, just to remind me to recycle the cardboard from my tampons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 667
You deserved it 2 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

The recycling company will gladly tell you to just throw that away no questions asked.

MrBond007_fml 6

This is a good thing. Your father has taken it upon himself to save the world... One tampon box at a time...


Wow...and here I thought MY dad was an recycling nut. I thought being forced to sort the recycle-ables from the trash every week was bad enough. Sorry OP :/

Just a note - most people have a trash bin and a separate recyclables bin. That way you don't have to sort through the trash after throwing it all in one bin for some reason...I've honestly never heard of someone actually doing this other than in the big sorting factories. Where I live the council even provide you with separate main bins...

Wait... Tampons don't have cardboard in them...

#42- The applicator, not the actual tampon. However I'm not going to explain it, so if you're really curious, look up "how to put in a tampon". Most people use plastic applicators.

I'd suggest switching to tampons without the applicator or looking into menstrual cups. Problem solved :)

Diva cups are amazing. I bought mine a year ago it's superior to tampons/pads in every way (well except that you have to wash it out after, but that's minor).

Your dad sounds like he's taking things way too far! ***I'm big on recycling myself but cardboard applicators is where I draw the line. I'm so miserable that time of the month that any added comfort is worth demanding plastic tampons for that!

beccaishereyay 11

You use cardboard tampons?? Just the thought makes me shudder. D:

Next he's going to hand you a home made pad.... D:

There are worse things he could obsess over, such as alcohol....Be happy he's trying to save the environment.

KiddNYC1O 20

How do you know he isn't, though?

AClassActx3 7

Aren't those painful anyways? Use the plastic! Wait then I guess you'd still be recycling huh? =/