By Makusu420 - 03/12/2015 00:44 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad sent me $200 by mail, only to mail it to the wrong person. So now some random person is getting $200 from my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 600
You deserved it 1 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chill99 15

Your dad doesn't know your address? Your dad doesn't have checks? Your dad thinks sending cash through the mail is a good idea? So many questions...

This is like a raffle. I hope he sent it to me! :)


nikkibug321 9

keep the money! you might need it!

Maybe he did it on purpose so you don't smoke it all. Btw, I notice the 420 in your name.

He meant to send 200$ to the prostitute down the street

This is why the post office says to not mail cash.