By Mers - 10/02/2010 14:32 - United States
Mers tells us more.
Well, after my parents got married, my dad's dad convinced my dad that my mom was a gold digger and so they divorced when I was one year old and had my brothers three years later. They've lived together the past 16 years as a divorced couple and have fought constantly. My dad forced my mom to go thousands of dollars into debt because he wouldn't give her any money for a year. During that time my mom couldn't get a job anywhere and she had to buy groceries for us three and her two kids from before the failed marriage. My brothers and I live with my mom now and it's much better without him trying to control us.
Top comments
Am I the only one wondering why OP was even there? Damn can't your parents even have a conversation without you joining in, eavesdropping, or wondering why it's not about you? FTL
I remember when I discovered children weren't the center of their parents' world and marriage... except i was about 6 years old at the time. Honestly, why do you think parents hire babysitters and go on dates? it's so they can have some romantic alone time without worrying about the kids. They still love you... but seriously, get some perspective.
So? Your parents lives don't revolve around you. Stop being so selfish.
not an fml. they were thinking about trips, parties, etc.
So basically your parents aren't allowed to have happy memories that don't involve you? Well aren't you a selfish little bitch.
she probably wants to leave because she's got such whiny-ass children who think everything should be about them. he made the right move by not pulling the "what about the children" card, he's trying to convince her THEIR RELATIONSHIP is worth saving.
It ain't all about you.