I'm in hell

By GiveMeCake - 02/12/2018 22:00

Today, thanks to pregnancy hormones, I had the most vivid dream of eating a caramel apple mousse cake with vanilla bean ice cream. Unfortunately, yesterday, also thanks to pregnancy hormones, I was diagnosed with diabetes. My dreams are taunting me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 938
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MannyWasHere 12

Don’t worry, I get dreams like that all the time and I’m not even pregnant. Or a girl.

wysegirl 24

Just pray you have a normal size child... my boys were 10.9 and I'll find out in a week but looking at another 10 pounder and I didn't have gestational diabetes.. good luck


ohsnapword 21

Wrong. You want a chocolate pudding pie with a graham cracker crust, topped with cookies n cream ice cream with Oreo cookies stuck in it with whipped cream on top. I’m glad I could help!

MannyWasHere 12

Don’t worry, I get dreams like that all the time and I’m not even pregnant. Or a girl.

wysegirl 24

Just pray you have a normal size child... my boys were 10.9 and I'll find out in a week but looking at another 10 pounder and I didn't have gestational diabetes.. good luck

So is this where Eurythmics got their inspiration? I never figured sweet dreams are made of hormones.

You can have the sugar free version i suppose If they exist

BetterThanU 1

You can get all the cream you want if you slobber the knob like a real wife. YDI

cheshireau 26

Is it gestational diabetes? Because most women go back to normal after birth.

Control yourself! Find some sweets for diabetics. ^_^ P.S. If you need help in the moment of intimacy,that is, for this https://cialisbit.com/cialis-reviews-forums-user-ratings/ .