By bapbap - 18/12/2015 18:33 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my doctor told me I needed to eat more salt to keep my blood pressure from dropping dangerously low. He only shrugged when I pointed out that he had previously told me to eat a low-salt diet to control my vertigo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 722
You deserved it 1 533

bapbap_fml tells us more.

I'm already on a ton of medication anyways. I'm trying to find a balance between too much and too little salt, it's just tricky. My doctor is usually pretty helpful, more so that others I've seen. My health issues are just kind of complex so it's a handful trying to keep it all under control.

Top comments

Maybe try to get a second opinion on it OP. Two verdicts are better than one.

Next time take his advice with a grain of salt.


I don't know what kind of doctor you're seeing, but it might be worth it to find an integrative/functional medicine doctor. If you're dealing with chronic illness and multiple opposing symptoms, you want somebody who will try to treat more than just the latter. Medical school in America provides very little in terms of how to deal with chronic care needs. Find someone who knows how to treat those issues with more than a shrug.

Ask for a referral to see a dietician, it's literally their area of expertise. :)

Sextonator 9

Sounds like I'd get a second opinion!

Report him and get a new doctor asap. this is your health and possibly life at stake and he shrugs. maybe he needs a new line of employment.

He's actually the most helpful doctor I've seen so far. When it comes to chronic illnesses that are complicated like this most often a solution for something will aggravate something else. He shrugged because he had no answer to solve both issues. I'm happy with my doctor, the FML is about the health situation in general.

Hey maybe he forgot he dose see a lot of patents a day.


Sometimes people go to the extreme when given news like that. My Grandpa was told he could have 1500mg of sodium so he ate 1500mg of sodium via potato chips since that's his fav food and ate plain salad the rest of the day the drs were so confused as to why he was dropping so much weight. so perhaps when you were told low sodium diet you went too far with it. I'd ask him for a specific goal to shoot for on a daily basis. if he can't offer you that then looks like a new Dr. is the prescribed treatment.

He told me to eat under 1200mg sodium for the vertigo, then told me I need to eat more sodium for the blood pressure. I don't think you could properly function long on "no sodium", and it would be nearly impossible to eat a balanced diet that has no sodium at all.

Any nerve impulse requires sodium and potassium, they're absolutely needed (obviously in the right amount for each person) for basic body functions. I'm sorry you're struggling with so much OP, hopefully they can get it figured out for you!

my grandma had the same problem but he sat down with her and figure out a diet so her legs won't swell and will bring up her levels maybe you should try it with him just a thought