By bapbap - 18/12/2015 18:33 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my doctor told me I needed to eat more salt to keep my blood pressure from dropping dangerously low. He only shrugged when I pointed out that he had previously told me to eat a low-salt diet to control my vertigo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 722
You deserved it 1 533

bapbap_fml tells us more.

I'm already on a ton of medication anyways. I'm trying to find a balance between too much and too little salt, it's just tricky. My doctor is usually pretty helpful, more so that others I've seen. My health issues are just kind of complex so it's a handful trying to keep it all under control.

Top comments

Maybe try to get a second opinion on it OP. Two verdicts are better than one.

Next time take his advice with a grain of salt.


SavageCabbage 8

All these "salty" puns. So original.

At least you know whatever coin he's flipping isn't weighted.

I swear, these salt puns are driving me insane.

gobiteme2 34

^ 15 if all these salt puns are driving you insane it just goes to show you, you need salt for your brain to operate at peak performance.

I mean it's either you figure out how much salt you should eat or he puts you on enough medication to kill a horse. I don't think you want the latter.

How is the only other option being prescribed enough medication to kill a horse?

I'm already on a ton of medication anyways. I'm trying to find a balance between too much and too little salt, it's just tricky. My doctor is usually pretty helpful, more so that others I've seen. My health issues are just kind of complex so it's a handful trying to keep it all under control.

That really sucks. I can relate to having vertigo and other health problems that are all affected by each other or by what I do to try to help the symptoms and it makes it difficult to manage things sometimes. I hope you can find the right balance with everything so you can live your life to the fullest!

Hey op! I have the same problem. Could you drink more water to offset not being able to intake as much salt? I hope you work things out!

mds9986 24

Don't limit yourself to one doctor. Others may have different or better information for you despite your previous experiences with others. This guy sounds like a terrible Doctor anyway and may have you on meds you don't need. Get a second opinion. It's tricky when people have overlapping health problems.

Hey op :) Vertigo is normally caused by low blood pressure which can result from low blood volume. Increased salt will help with retaining fluid to boost both blood pressure and volume. It actually doesn't make sense (from my point of view anyway) why he would tell you to lower salt for vertigo, though I'm sure he has his reasons. I hope you find a successful balance, anyway. Good luck, op :)

I'm actually quite underweight from being sick...

JMichael 25

I have the same issue OP. I was suffering from too high of blood pressure and was told I needed to cut back on my salt intake so I did. Then it was too low. There's just no winning in any situation.

I know something that might help. Licorice root tea is known for bringing up the blood pressure when you drink a lot of it. It has no salt or sugar, but tastes strongly and sweet. It might help out in getting your blood pressure up without stopping your low-salt diet. Plus, it's tasty!

I've seem 6 doctors and he's been the most helpful. It's just complex and what helps some issues often tends to aggravate others. The FML aspect was more about my shitty health than my doctor. I actually do like him, there's just no solutions to fix everything.

I realise I'm late to the party but it could be Dysautonomia or something along those lines.

I think it's time you get a new doctor OP.

He's actually the most helpful I've seen. It's just a complex condition and hard to manage. What helps one issue often seems to aggravate another.

#22 Man that's got to suck op, good luck to you and hopefully you can find a middle ground

gabechriswill 19

Look up a natural product called protandim. do some research on it. Promise it will help regulate how your body I supposed to work.

Ah, I would imagine you have an issue with your Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system or your atrial natriuretic peptide production, which makes you very sensitive with regard to your sodium balance. However, if one system doesn't work right, you can sometimes balance it out by affecting the other one. If its your ANP, you should be able to affect the RAA system to control your blood pressure. If its your RAA system, you should be able to influence your ANP levels, although its much more difficult to do so. You have my sympathies, it sounds like a difficult disorder to deal with.

I remember moderating this one and it was worded slightly different. There weren't any grammar mistakes that would merit any corrections. This is also not the first time this happens; why are the staff at FML changing the FMLs approved in moderation??

Always write your name in ink ?...makes it harder for the assholes to try something

I think you meant to put this on a different FML

gobiteme2 34