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By AkaiKitsune - 14/06/2017 10:51

Today, my dog left his very loud and obnoxious squeaky stuffed-toy in the paddock and my horse got a hold of it. My horse won't stop and I can't get it away from him. It's been 6 hours and the noise hasn't stopped yet. It also shows no signs of doing so any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 536
You deserved it 635

AkaiKitsune tells us more.

To the person who asked why I got such a loud toy for the dog. He likes to take off with his toys to the woods nearby and the loud noise helps me find him again when he's playing taunt the human (otherwise known as keep-away) To the person who said I saw the rubber chicken video and copied it. First that was a rubber chicken my dog has a squeaky sheep stuffed toy. You can find them in pet stores. The horse from the video was grabbing it and shaking his head up and down to get the sound. Mine was using a compilation of biting, dropping it and stomping, and throwing it around. Needless to say the toy is well and thoroughly destroyed. My other horse just got freaked out and ran circles around the paddock.

Top comments

I think you need to do a DNA test on your "horse." It sounds like he's really an ass.

Was this before or after he knocked his water bucket on you?


Is your horse the one on the Facebook video with the rubber chicken? If so, **** your life indeed.

No but it feels like it. It's not a rubber chicken but one of those sheep shaped dog squeaky toys. But if you've seen that video then you can understand my suffering

I think you need to do a DNA test on your "horse." It sounds like he's really an ass.

The person who downvoted this must have no sense of humor, because that was hilarious.

The person who downvoted this must have no sense of humor, because that was hilarious.

Was this before or after he knocked his water bucket on you?

This is actually the same OP so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same exact horse.

It is the same brat. I love him anyway.

Might feeding your horse help? Sometimes distracting an animal with food (or another toy) helps.

All I can think of right now is that video of a horse with a rubber chicken toy in his mouth, The horse keeps squeezing that thing back and forth in his mouth and it's hilarious!

Why did you get your dog a very loud and obnoxious squeaky toy in the first place?

Because my dog has a habit of running into the woods behind the house and losing his toys. He will go to them if told to but he usually just picks it up and drops it if the squeak is any indication. I lose less toys if they're loud and easy to track down when he pulls that little trick.

more like, you saw a video in facebook and sadly had to lie about it being your horse. how very sad

mrparkhill 1

Well, horses are idiots, what did you expect?

To the person who asked why I got such a loud toy for the dog. He likes to take off with his toys to the woods nearby and the loud noise helps me find him again when he's playing taunt the human (otherwise known as keep-away) To the person who said I saw the rubber chicken video and copied it. First that was a rubber chicken my dog has a squeaky sheep stuffed toy. You can find them in pet stores. The horse from the video was grabbing it and shaking his head up and down to get the sound. Mine was using a compilation of biting, dropping it and stomping, and throwing it around. Needless to say the toy is well and thoroughly destroyed. My other horse just got freaked out and ran circles around the paddock.

Is this the same horse who splashed you with with his water bucket?

Is this the same horse who splashed you with with his water bucket?

Yep. He's also learned that water comes from a hose and if he picks it up it sprays everywhere (when I filled the trough), that stall doors open if you unlock them first (fixed with bungee cable), that it is in fact possible to run out in the -middle- of a bounce. That certain pants can be pulled down (though he hasn't figured out which work and which don't so he tries everyone's), that tossing your rider into a blackberry bush means it will take longer to get back on then if he tosses me on the sandy ring. That the best place to cool down is in the muddy creek... By rolling in it (that was a fun day to groom him. Caked on mud and wet with a mane down to his knees that he somehow got out of his braid.) That the dog gets all the fun toys. Undoing the quick release knot and swinging the lead rope around and around... And around. That if he can get his teeth on the bridle that he can lift it above my head and taunt me with it. When tied to the tree outside the barn (because he's figured out a few ways to escape the cross-ties) that he can swing his but over and squish the human between the tree and his body in such a way that makes it impossible to get the leverage to push him off. (But he never does it in a way that physically hurts the person... Except maybe their pride). Pulling on the metal handle of the feed bucket in the stall next to him results in the lip of the bucket catching on the metal bars of the stall tipping grain into his stall and the original owners stall. (He's a pig. This is the reason he will always occupy a stall at the end of the rows instead of between two other stalls. At least I was able to teach him some cool tricks because he's so good motivated.) there's one of those plug in fans by the tack room (which is beside the cross-ties) and he will refuse to enter the cross-ties until the fan rotates back towards them. This way when he farts it blows everywhere and we all get this disgusted look on our faces. He's picked up on facial expressions and likes making them change. (Sometimes by being a brat to get our annoyed face and sometimes being to smart to get our wtf or surprised face.) He's figured out that rubbing his butt on a jump post (or using his head) means it will fall down. (I think he hopes that we will stop jumping if we get tired enough of putting them back up.) He also memorized the jump courses... Which is fine if everyone's doing the same thing. But sometimes I'm asked to do the jumps in a slightly different order to work on something I'm having troubles with (ie. Looking ahead, looking up and not at the jump, cutting corners, etc) and he gets all fussy because 'this is not what everyone else was doing. Why are you doing it wrong human?' He also knows when my attention strays or I get distracted and will creatively demonstrate why I should be paying more attention. (To him specifically. He's an attention *****. If you ignore him in the field or worse, pay attention to someone else, he will find more and more creative ways to get your attention.)

I seriously love your horse--he's a real character. Oh, so of course that other fmylife in the moderation box about a horse learning how to pants people had to have been yours--and of course it just had to be THAT horse. XD!

Oh probably. I know I posted a FML about his pant pulling when my dear (soon to be dead) brother taught him how to do that. But because he's a pig for food it's easy to teach him all kinds of tricks too. He can bow (both on command or whenever he here's clapping as that was what he was trained to respond to), 'shake a hoof', nod yes and shake no (hand signs to que him), step up on to a raised platform (which we initially taught him because the trailer we have doesn't have a ramp.), he can pick things up and bring it over, look over each of his shoulders on command, 'dance' (which is really just an exaggerated piaffe. But it amuses the little kids), 'smile' (pulling his lips back to reveal his teeth, but without the laid backed ears that would indicate a bite is eminent), 'laugh' (flapping his gums and making noises that sorta resemble an equine laugh), stick his tongue out. Lay down, roll over, pick up and place a hat on someone's head (has to have a rim of some kind like a top hat or a baseball cap. He also takes great pride in doing it to anyone if someone leaves a hat unattended. And no he doesn't understand what it means to have it facing the right way. So he'll put a cap on backwards, sideways, crooked, whatever direction so long as it stays on the head). He can roll one of those giant balls to a person or an indicated object (though he occasionally ignores that and simply rolls it everywhere except where you want it). Turn his back and snort (like what you'd see in a Disney movie with a displeased horse. Taught for a little skit during the Halloween show... More specifically the costume contest where I dressed him up like the horse from tangled. There's a reason I've never lost a costume contest... Besides it was for a good cause), I'm trying to teach him a few other things as well. So he's not a complete brat. Just freakishly intelligent and easily bored.

I know some people probably thought those replies were TL;DR, but I thought they were hilarious! I can totally picture your horse doing those things. Animals are hilarious. I have a very smart dog, and he is also a brat. I find the smarter an animal is, the more bratty/strong willed they tend to be. My dog will do anything (especially "come" when commanded) with a treat, but if you don't have one...chances are he won't bother. He prefers to do things on his own time in his own way. Even if he wants to do what you're originally telling him, sometimes he'll wait a minute so it's on his own time. And when you go to correct him or discipline him, he'll growl (sometimes while he's doing what I'm telling him) just to let me know he doesn't want to. Almost like "fine, I'll do it, but I want you to know I'm not happy about it and I'm mad at you." Lol. The funniest (worst depending on how you look at it) is when we make him go on his bed (usually when we're eating and he's barking or begging for food), he will go and sit a few feet from it, then you tell him "on the bed," then he'll get a bit closer, and so on, until he's sitting about half an inch away from the bed, or just part of his bum is sitting on it, like "I'll just sit right here, it's close enough, but still not completely on cause I don't want to." Little brat. Lol

This video was on YouTube about a year ago.

Nope. If your talking about rubber chicken horse. That was someone else's horse. Mine got a hold of my dog's squeaky stuffed sheep.