By ItsGoneForever - 04/04/2016 17:58 - Netherlands

Today, my electric razor broke down during shaving. So now I have a face which is shaved on the right hand side and has a beard on the left. I don't own blades, so I'll have to go to work looking like this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 218
You deserved it 5 015

ItsGoneForever tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here! Just to clarify a little: I shaved with blades once, but that was a disaster. Blood everywhere and it toon way longer than shaving with an electric razor. Therefore, no blades! My old electric razor was actually almost 14 years old, so I could have expected this. However, it stopped working all of a sudden, without any signs of failing previously! However, stores for electronics tend to open at 10am here in The Netherlands, while I start working at 8:30. So no opportunity to buy a new one before work! It was the first thing I did when coming out of the office though :-) As for my co-workers: we don't have our own desks, but you can sit anywhere you like. I chose a private office for the day, so I just got laughed at by my boss and nog by anyone else :-)

Top comments

This does razor question. Why don't you have spares?

PoolDeadio 12

Takes a whole new meaning to "shave it for later"


I guess this will teach you the lesson to keep some extra disposables for emergencies.

Try scissors to get it as short as possible maybe? Or start a new trend lol

Hi guys, OP here! Just to clarify a little: I shaved with blades once, but that was a disaster. Blood everywhere and it toon way longer than shaving with an electric razor. Therefore, no blades! My old electric razor was actually almost 14 years old, so I could have expected this. However, it stopped working all of a sudden, without any signs of failing previously! However, stores for electronics tend to open at 10am here in The Netherlands, while I start working at 8:30. So no opportunity to buy a new one before work! It was the first thing I did when coming out of the office though :-) As for my co-workers: we don't have our own desks, but you can sit anywhere you like. I chose a private office for the day, so I just got laughed at by my boss and nog by anyone else :-)

biasedshooter 24

you know razors with blades arent that hard... just dont slide them sideways and then you wont get cut

I know this sounds mean, but it's honestly kind of pathetic that a grown man can't shave with a blade.

1: it is mean 2: it doesn't make him any less of a man not being able to shave with a blade. 3: I hate people who make people few bad for something they can't do by claiming that it makes them Less of ----

andrmac 25

Are you from the Netherlands? Are you him? Do you have the same hair and skin type? Personally I can't use electric I always get ingrown hairs and it doesn't do a good job on my hair. For him he finds blades to cut him up like the joker. What ever you are used to and works is what you should stick to. Judging people on what works the way it needs to is a poor attempt at belittling someone else.

Why not go to a barber shop? As a barber myself, I can tell you it wouldn't take more than 10 minutes to get the job done, you could have done that in your lunch break or even before going to work(there are some barber shops that open up before 8:00 AM)

I use an old electric hair clippers to shave. So if you have one of those are around give it a shot.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I know this is super random and not at all having anything to do with the FML, but I have a friend from the Netherlands and I'm learning Dutch (but I'm really bad at it). Just thought I'd share since you're from the Netherlands.

mariri9206 32

OP, you should have gone to work with a suit that's professional on one side and kind of crazy patterned on the other and flipped a coin for decision making all day and just said you were Two Face!

suck it up and learn to shave. it is a basic skill right next to spelling ones own name and tying ones own shoes. it is something you should have learned long ago.

oh yeah 57 i know i remember the day in pre-k that the class was taught to shave! Seriously man, nothing wrong with just using electric. Same goes with women, i know some who shave and some that use an epilator.

35, what do you think OP was using in the first place?

#59, for a second I thought you mean nothing wrong with using electric women.

@59 did I say it was taught at the same time? no all I said was that it was a basic skill basic skills by their nature are, well basic, and yet still a skill something not inherent like breathing. spelling ones one name and tying shoes are great examples they are super easy to do. everyone with I suppose the exception of religons with prohibitions on shaving should know how to shave. man or woman or whatever. other examples of basic skills, since the other ones leave you clearly confused, inclued boiling water, pumping gas and checking e-mail, all of these like shaving could be taught to a functional adult in give or take 10 minutes and are so simple that once you get in really any practice at all you are golden. I also have no issue with electric razors but just because I don't have an issue with a kitchen stove doesn't mean I don't know how to use a camp fire even if I cook on one only 3 times a year. to clarify how easy shaving is I taught myself how to shave at 14 I watched a guy do it on a T.V. (nothing instructional just part of a show) and have been successfully shaving every other day since.

#62 no I mean hair clippers for haircuts not facial hair. Too of the head hair not facial hair. Scalp not chin.

I always use a straight razor, electronic shavers give me a bad rash.

FalloutScrolls 25

Knowing how crazy this world is now, you may just become the latest trendsetter. Enjoy your fame, my friend.

UserError94 18

I personally prefer the shaving cream on the face look tbh

I read that 3 times and still thought you said transgender

Well logically the only thing you can do now is to go the whole hog and dress as half a person and half another person, paint half your face and make sure no one ever sees you front-facing. Ever.

Well, you can say you're trying out being Two Face

gobiteme2 34

Never know OP you could be a TV star in the Netherlands. Showing the before and after look.

If you were the office clown this would keep your title for a real long time...

mm12344 8

Just face your profile to everyone. Seems like a fun challenge.

Serves you right for trying to be less of a man and ruddy shaving...