By Ugly - 22/08/2013 23:40 - United States - Jerseyville
Same thing different taste
By elizio - 04/08/2015 11:59 - United States - Trenton
Past glory
By Olivia - 09/03/2025 00:00 - United States - Fresno
The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
By Ghost - 14/12/2009 21:21 - United States
Humblebrag High
By danny - 23/05/2024 00:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 17:49 - Canada - Coquitlam
I'm not that old!
By Anonymous - 26/01/2021 02:01
By unluckymiss - 24/01/2010 06:03 - United States
By feelinblue - 23/06/2009 11:31 - Australia
By ugly - 03/09/2012 08:17 - United States
Run for the hills!
By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayOr she is ugly... Some people can just be plain ugly and can't help it. She should accept the fact and move on that she is and find inner strength. I heard inner strength is a lot better than looking pretty :) but then again some people just wanna feel pretty even if you have to look for compliments on fml.
Everyone can't be a 10. Just surround yourself with uglier people.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Most people can't accept that inner beauty is more important. You can be sexy as **** on the outside, but if you're a bitch with no heart, who's really going to stick around?
How dare you insult me?! -proceeds to tongue you down- Shit porno. I'd watch it though.
easy to say, mlle 10/10. who sees inner beauty at first glance ?
Ignore that bitch. You're very pretty! Or say: "you used to be so intelligent, what happened?" - although that won't work if she's stupid ;-) In that case a good ol fashioned, well thrown punch might do the trick. Preferably in the face and then ask her "what happened?" Ppl these days need to know their place...
Ya I don't think she deserves a punch in the face for saying she used to be pretty, she didn't say she was ugly.
Ya I think she does. And it's one girl throwing a punch at another. Unless she's a skilled fighter, it won't actually be about hurting or disfiguring her "opponent", but about sending a message: "don't **** with me." People these days seem to have forgotten, that they shouldn't relentlessly attack other people's dignity - usually just to make themselves feel better. A punch - which might or might not actually be all that powerful - can do the trick. Downwote me if it pleases you. I spoke my mind. -- #15: or that works ;-)
I think we've got a drama queen on our hands..
16 - Punch her for a stupid comment? Seriously, step into the real world where adults are charged with assault and battery and have to find jobs and housing with criminal records.
Punch her in the face and then ask her what happened. It's not like you'd be overreacting or anything...
That's when you reply: "I was going to say that you've changed a lot too, but you're still a bitch" smile and walk away.
Jake_Hale, what is with you and saying "try to make out with them to freak them out"? You are one weird sonuvabitch...
36, he always says some weirdo sexual crap. I'm convinced that he's either a really horny inappropriate teenager, or a sexual predator.
56, I feel like he owns a van and a court order saying he can't go within 500ft of a Chuck E. Cheese or playground. But I should stop making jokes about him, he might try to make out with me to freak me out
Women are so mean to each other sometimes...Ignore it! I'm sure you're still pretty :)
I don't see why everyone has to run to OP's rescue with, "You're still pretty!!!!" Sometimes people are ugly and it sucks, but we don't need to metaphorically cover the place in cushions. Maybe OP /is/ ugly, but she probably has many other redeeming qualities.
I agree #20. I'm an ugly woman myself and I find it more annoying when people say that. I'm ugly, I know I'm ugly, I've been told I'm ugly so I've accepted it. I hate it if I mention an insult and someone says: "Oh I'm sure you're not ugly. You just need confidence. " My lack of confidence didn't cause someone to call me ugly. Someone said it because it's true. Usually I only bring it up to relate to a story (like this one) and that's it.
Wow 47 that's so bold of you to say! You're awesome for accepting that, I'm sure it wasn't easy. But that definitely doesn't mean you can't be happy in life or can't a great partner. A little tip, having a child with someone who is also not symmetrical (or not attractive) creates the possibility that what makes the both of you 'unattractive' to others will be cancelled out when conceiving a child. So your kids could be the next miss/Mr universe!
Assholes will always be assholes. OP, there are some people in this world who get off on making other people miserable. Take no notice.
Couldve said "bitch i became sexy thats what happened"
ignore her, she probably has some issues with you from back when you were in school together and is trying to give you a low blow to your self esteem. It's how many people act, sadly. Who cares what she thinks anyway, just be happy with yourself OP.
what you should have said: I stopped worrying about pretty on the outside and started worrying more about being pretty on the inside. I guess you stopped worrying about pretty on either side?
Should have said "Wow, I didn't think you could get any uglier, but here you are proving me wrong!"

There are always people at those reunions trying to feel better about themselves, so don't take it to heart. as long a you are happy with yourself, what does it matter?
Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Most people can't accept that inner beauty is more important. You can be sexy as **** on the outside, but if you're a bitch with no heart, who's really going to stick around?