By ninjakomodo - 13/11/2012 21:16 - United States
ninjakomodo tells us more.
OP here, just for all of the people talking about self plagiarism, I checked. My university does not have that clause anywhere within the rules. I read through the entire thing and even checked with the legal department. I'm sure they will put it in after this. I have gone to the dean and they have forced the teacher to drop the case and give me the grade I deserved. They also decided, due to suggestion of the department head, that the department head himself will be grading everything that I submit to that teacher for the rest of the semester, and that I will not be able to take classes with that teacher anymore. I'm sure they will be evaluating their plagiarism rules more, and putting in a clause for self plagiarism, but we will see what happens. Luckily, I only have 2 more semesters there before I'm out of that school for good.
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Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayIf even the dean is to stupid then op needs a new college.
She did, but the teacher is obviously too "proud" to accept her answer.
I said op not "she" good day sir.
He wasn't talking to you.
Dude OP already did
67 I don't think that really matters too much whether or not OP is male or female in this situation. For you to comment solely to point that out was rather pointless. At least if you're going to say something, at least add to it and make it more worthwhile and interesting. Yes I know I'm kind of doing the same thing here but your comment stood out to me for some reason. As now as I sit here about to make my comment, I realize that I have forgotten what the FML is about. Wow! This has never happened before. I'm cracking up over here. Sorry guys, my apologies! o.O
Obviously only women write poetry or maybe everyone just assumed OP was female even though the post is listed as a male.
84- what was that you were saying about being worthwhile and interesting?
160 "When IT'S a guy."
Except that the context implies that the it in the comment is not stating the gender, but merely referring to it. The gender is male. It is male. Same thing
88, do you seriously believe that only women write poetry? Where is this rock of ignorance you have been living under?
no. actually they were clearly being sarcastic. and if you didn't get the sarcasm in their post, you clearly don't get sarcasm. google it
Welcome to the world of academia. People that teach often times can do. That why they teach.
Actually #2, technically, he DID plagiarized, he just plagiarized himself. It's weird and makes no sense, but you can't submit something for homework if you already submitted it elsewhere. If he put it on the website after the teacher received his paper, then that would be fine. Granted, I'm sure he won't get in trouble, because he can prove it is his actual work, but I guess it's a lesson learned. Still, I think that whole "plagiarizing yourself" idea is so... dumb; for a lack of a better word.
Hopefully the Dean will have sufficient brain cells to realise the situation... and then tell the Prof what a dipshit she is.
Um, it's actually called self plagiarism, and it's mainly for when you're in school/university. Feel free to look it up; it's not like I didn't have to go to a whole seminar based on it or anything *shrug*
95/118 is right. Colleges have that so that you can't turn in the same paper for two different classes, and unfortunately it can also apply to what happened to OP.
I was going to say the same thing but seeing as it has already been said, I would like to add that it is in fact true. We have a clause in our honor code that says we can not submit the same assignment for two classes and we may not use our original work for any class if it has been published. What I find ridiculous is that it even goes as far as to say that any assignments turned in becomes the college's property and may not be turned published without the consent of the university and of course none of this applies if the professor has already consented to it. So for our college, it would've been a violation of honor code and then the student has to appear before the honor council and they listen to both sides and make a decision.
145- Oh I'm sorry, are misunderstandings supposed to be thumbed down into oblivion? Perhaps other people agree that self-plagiarizing shouldn't be held higher than copyrights. I don't support people reusing their work in other classes, but I don't agree that people like OP shouldn't be able to publish their own work.
145- Oh I'm sorry, are misunderstandings supposed to be thumbed down into oblivion? Perhaps other people agree that self-plagiarizing shouldn't be held higher than copyrights. I don't support people reusing their work in other classes, but I don't agree that people like OP shouldn't be able to publish their own work.
163- Sadly, it doesn't matter if we agree or disagree. Sometimes it's not quite fair but policy is policy whether we like it or not, and the rule book always wins
100 - True. But ignoring the self plagiarism aspect, producing work at the behest of another ( in this case for college but usually in employment or on commission) makes the commissioner/employer the copyright owner so the producer has absolutely no right to use the work.
The problem was that the OP published it on the Internet before he turned it in (that's what it seems at least). If there was no time stamp of when it was updated, then it is possible that the student just reused old work instead of being creative (what the teacher may think). The proper thing in this situation would be to wait until the paper was turned in, graded, and forgotten about or even wait until the semester is over to publish it. It sucks that the student has to do that, but there are many students who will just reuse old work instead of just doing their work.
163: When you post an incorrect, assuming comment that everyone believes is correct at first site but then realizes is wrong when it's too late to thumb down, yes, it is annoying. Your comment deserves to be buried for being wrong. You say it like having a comment buried means you're a shitty person. Misunderstandings should be thumbed down so people know they're misunderstandings. Whether you agree with self plagiarism or not, and I don't by the way, you can't just say "no that's wrong. Copyrights. You can do whatever you want." That's unrelated, idiot
190 - I guess it may depend where you are. Under UK copyright the creator of commissioned copyrighted work must assert their moral right to be identified as the author of work but holds no other right and would be liable for breach of copyright if they tried to use the work .
Sometimes teachers are not as bright as you expect them to be.
OP can only hope that her principle isn't a retard.
Truth. Dumb people can be teachers too. No one ever said all teachers are good teachers :)
38- yeah I always mess up principle and principal.
And they don't like to be proved wrong.
The school principAl likes an Apple on his desk. I would bold, underline, and italicize those As if I could, I hope that was clear enough.
The PrinciPAL is your pal. :) Just kidding, all principals are out to brainwash their students and ultimately take over the world.
I sometimes get principal/principle mixed up.): Same thing with desert/dessert and defiantly/definitely The list goes on. . . I envy those spelling bee kids!
Just remember 101 & 107.. Which would you rather do two times, eat a big piece of cake or cross a vast, sandy wasteland? Assuming they're not lactose intolerant (or overly fond of sand) most people pick cake, so dessert is the one with the double s! Thank you 10th grade English teacher for that absolute jewel :) As for defiantly/definitely... I got nothin'
24- op is male.
Desert/dessert: The sweet one takes two s(ugar)s. :)
What a bitch, I'm sure the head of your department will believe you
Exactly! Your teacher is a bitch and I hate teachers like that. The ones that think they're always right and they know everything. They think they're never wrong and some of them stop at no lengths to try and prove something that is false. I feel really bad for you OP. I'm sure if you go to the Principal, Dean, Superintendent, or whomever is the highest authority that you won't have problems with your poem or your idiot teacher. Good luck OP! I'm sure you won't need it though! ;)
104 - it was me. Look me up on YouTube.
File a complaint on the teacher in return.
Jealous bitch.
Is that how you write it? "A poems"?
also, "has" should be past tense.
14 What comment are you reading?
Just imagine the look on her stupid face when she gets proven wrong, that should hold you over :)
She did get proven wrong she just wasn't willing to admit it.
If your get called down by a principle or dean to explain yourself they'll surely think the teacher is an idiot. Just make sure you story is straight. Hopefully your a great student and that'll give you some credit.
I was going to let "principle" go until I saw "your". *principal, *you're.
^ grammar natzis "be trippin"
Nazis* tripping*
How I learned the difference is this saying: "The principal is your pal".
What more proof does she need? Damn.....
Just got to say, to the mods, that the grammar and tenses aren't great on this one, if it could be looked into.

Sometimes teachers are not as bright as you expect them to be.
What a bitch, I'm sure the head of your department will believe you