By notgay - 25/12/2009 19:34 - United States

Today, my entire extended family was over for Christmas. I opened a gift to see that it was a fruitcake and saw everyone looking at me, smiling. This is their way to tell me that they know I'm gay and that they accept me. I'm straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 979
You deserved it 3 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O_o why are you complaining? You have a loving family that accepts you and encourages you to be yourself! Feel lucky!

Am I the only one who doesn't get how giving someone a fruitcake means that you think they're gay?


sorry I'm on my phone so I can't respond to the person but to luckster, dudeitsdanny and #56, it's callled a joke. get over it. some people on this site are so serious.

Ok, maybe I dont have a sense of humor or dont understand US humor, but how giving a fruit cake means that OP's family think that he is gay?

Well a "fruit cake" is usually a derogatory term for a homosexual...

Have you explained to them and/or brought a girlfriend home?

Well maybe it is something that you have done that makes them think so. One day my brother came home after a party with a lovbite on his neck, he was stupid to tell them that it was a boy who had done it. The next day my parents talked to him. My brother keeps telling them that he is not gay, my mother tells him that she will love him anyway and my father will make sure that he doesn`t start wearing makeup. Hard for him, funny for me.

jezebelcullen 0

well act like a gay lol then bring your gf home and they will b surprised lol 8-]

branflakes204 0

Lucky you! Firstly, you have a cool family that seems liberal and ready to accept you as you are. Secondly, are you that close-minded that being mistaken for a gay man is insulting?

foreigner2010 0

you hvae to admit: despite the wrong assumption, it's a sweet gesture.

wellthats a kick in the balls on Xmas day 0_0

dude u can say " im not a fucken fag" to yr family instead of post shit on this site

Keroppidemon 0