By notgay - 25/12/2009 19:34 - United States

Today, my entire extended family was over for Christmas. I opened a gift to see that it was a fruitcake and saw everyone looking at me, smiling. This is their way to tell me that they know I'm gay and that they accept me. I'm straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 979
You deserved it 3 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O_o why are you complaining? You have a loving family that accepts you and encourages you to be yourself! Feel lucky!

Am I the only one who doesn't get how giving someone a fruitcake means that you think they're gay?


Be glad you have parents that would accept you if you were gay. A lot of gays' parents hate their child for being gay.

my family thinks I'm gay and I'm not, so really and honestly, u just gotta prove em wrong b4 they accept it

Swag_district27 0

@#43 um don't mean to burst your bubble but if your going to say the word use the correct one lest you want your bum jumped. The term you used, "******," is the offensive and derogatory term whereas "nigga," is the term used in replacement of "dude."

imapyro1996 4

Also, anybody get the FRUITcake thing?

Maybe, you should get a girlfriend.